Umbrella Academy is an American Netflix series that released its season 1 in February 2019. And this year, on 31st of July,2020 the second installment of the series got released. Season 1 of the series got mixed reviews and did not impress the audience that much. Now let’s see what’s in store for the audience in season 2.
So season 1 was based on the comic Gerard Way and Gabriel Ba’. The story was about 4 adopted superhero siblings who were raised as emotionless soldiers so that they could save the world. But they grew up as emotionally damaged people who hated each other and their adopted father. By the time they unite to prevent the world from an apocalypse, the Umbrella academy not only fails but also becomes the cause of the end of the world. Season 1 was ok and bearable just because of the performances of the lead cast.
But coming to Season 2, this season is actually way better than season 1 itself. Not perfect certainly but better than the previous one. The second season of Umbrella Academy manages to pull off and is in many ways a better version of itself. The most wonderful improvement in season 2 is that every sibling is on the same page. They are seen working together which feels good. The unity among the siblings lets the character’s relationship shine throughout the season. Also, the performances by the core characters remain brilliant in season 2 as well.
Season 1’s major problem was that it considered itself a cool show but it wasn’t at all. And here Season 2 tries harder and harder. Season 2 has still some flaws that cannot be ignored. Some of the individual storylines weren’t described in detail. Coming to callbacks to season 1, there is no further exploration of the surprise backstories which was saved for the finale. The character still shows up and does their job but there is no explanation given where they came from which I think is saved for season 3. The show needed character depts, interesting conversations, and a meaningful journey. But the second season uses music to propel its story. The powerful flashback or art couldn’t save the series from the fact that there is no true meaning to it. The best thing that could be said about the show is that this is the same annoying and average show but a better version.
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[…] Umbrella Academy is an American Netflix series that released its season 1 in February 2019. And this year, on 31st of July,2020 the second installment of the series got released. Season 1 of the series got mixed reviews and did not impress the audience that much. Now let’s see what’s in store for the audience in season 2. […]